St. Luke’s Labyrinth
A labyrinth is a curving path; an ancient, sacred symbol. One
meandering path curving around to finally reach the center and
the same path leading back to the outside. The path represents a
journey from whatever our current life situation to wholeness,
seeking peace and acceptance of God’s love within. This
labyrinth is a sacred place of belonging for all who journey
down this path.
There is no right or wrong way to take this journey, but these
guidelines will help you to relax and process the experience.
Before you walk onto the path, take a moment to let go of and
leave behind you whatever keeps you from God and peace.
Being in the center can be seen as being with God. Bring
whatever you hold in your mind, body, and soul, and take some
time to just be, as you listen for and feel God’s presence within.
Take the quiet, the peace, and the light within you back into the
world as you travel the curving path from the center to the
Have no expectations on your journey and know that whatever
you experience is exactly what is right for you in this moment.
Go in peace.
Dedicated January 2023